Low Back Rehab

The following low back rehab exercises and stretches are recommended for patients with low back pain or chronic back-related leg pain. These exercises represents a collection of exercises recommended in current research studies and evidence-based Clinical Practice Guidelines. Patients are encouraged to progress from level 1 exercises (easier) to level III (more difficult) as their symptoms ease and levels of discomfort decline.

All exercises should be performed in a comfortable range (minimal to no discomfort) and can be performed daily as needed. If you experience any increase in pain or symptoms as a result of these exercises, please consult with your chiropractor or massage therapist.

Level 1 (Mobility & Stretching)

The following exercises are focused on low back mobility. This is a great place to start your rehab before going on to the next levels.

Level 2a (Strength & Motor Control)

The exercises below include exercises for strengthening the low back and developing motor control in the core.

Level 2b (Mobility & Stretching)

Level 3 (Strength & Endurance)